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Europe is moving away from reason to ideology. Because of social networks, says an economist.

We are experiencing the worst economic situation since the Velvet Revolution. "The high inflation is due not only to the war in Ukraine and high energy prices, but also to our governments, which solve all problems by handing out money," says Tomáš Havránek, the most cited Czech economist in the world according to international databases. "And in Europe, instead of ideology, we need rationality back," he adds.


Who is the copywriter, UX or SEO specialist?!

Have you also been irritated by suspicious words like UX specialist, SEO wizard or copywriter on the internet (and not only there) for the last few years? Ah, someone's playing pseudo expert again, huh.


When to play room painter and when to leave it to a pro?

The keys could use a paint job after all these years? On the one hand, you may be tired of the aggressive fuchsia that seemed so timeless three years ago. And then there's hygiene...


Why become a freelancer. And do you even have the guts to do it?

No, it's not for everyone. Being your own boss. Yay? Yeah, I'm a boss. But it also means sticking your neck out. You're responsible for everything. And sometimes you have to force yourself to do the unpopular dirty work. Or scold yourself. Motivate yourself. And reward yourself adequately.


They say there's still no people. And it's not just artisans...

Unemployment rate swung to 2.7% in April 2019. No shocking jobs report, low numbers have been reported by statisticians for several years. We currently have the fewest unemployed since 1997. Wow.

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